November 28, 2023

Leveraging Regime Models to Boost Strategy Performance

We explore how a quantitative approach to market regime models can be used to improve allocations within a simple equity/bond strategy.

Leveraging Regime Models to Boost Strategy Performance

Market regimes are defined as periods of persistent market conditions, driven by a myriad of factors including macroeconomic, market trends, shock events, investor sentiment, and more.

And it is these key drivers, which can dominate in certain regimes, that have a significant impact on what strategies or factors work.

As a result, many market participants attempt to understand and predict the current “state” of the market and how the current state will affect securities prices.

In this article, we explore a quantitative approach to regime modeling that employs machine learning, and how it can be used to improve allocations within a simple equity/bond strategy.

Read the full article on AlphaLayer's Substack

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